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Contemporary knowledge about God, Evolution, and the meaning of human life.
Methodology of spiritual development.

Anna Zubkova

“Bubbles of Perception”/Anna Zubkova

Anna Zubkova

The Heart That Can Contain God
(By Adler)

You can walk on My Earth, on the paths of My Love, and find the places of silence where you and I will be alone!

Yet, even in the middle of the hustle and bustle, I can be with you and in you!

You can be only Me and be in the Great Calm or in the Creative Fire!

What is needed to manifest My Universal Essence to people?

One must forget about oneself, to become My Love, to be only Me and act being Me!

The heart that can contain God is My preferred temple!

Walk on the Earth and carry in your heart the Ocean of My Eternal Love!

(January 2012)

All Those Who Traversed the Path
(By Adler)

All Those Who traversed the Path, are in Me!

All Those Who are in Me, are Me!

It is the United We, The Foundation of all Existence!

My Fire, Which creates life in Eternity, does not have any limits!

If you want to enter into Me, reject all other goals!

Only the one who transforms oneself-soul into Love and Light, enters into My Depths, in Which there is no division!

(January 2012)

Become a Great Soul!
(By Andrew the Apostle)

The sky-blue eyes of Andrew look into the open spiritual heart.

His loving Arms embrace the entire Infinity!

A Wave of Love sweeps over me, and my “i” disappears in It! Now only the Great Power of the Ocean of Light fills the entire Infinity with Itself!

There is nothing else in the soul but the Tenderness of God! The soul lives and breathes with the Great Love!

Andrew says:

“Listen to My words in the silence and purity of the spiritual heart! Expand and dissolve yourself in My Transparent Calm!

“Listen to Me in such a way that the meaning of each word becomes clear to you! May the essence of these words fill the soul!

“Listen to Me and let the Truth of Life enter into you!

“This Truth is the following:

“God is Love! So, having forgotten about yourself and shining solely with His Love, stand beside Us in His Light and Power!

“Live being love, grow being love, and, being love, create everything according to the Divine Plan!

“The Power is given only to those who are willing to receive It for the good of all the living!

“The Heavenly Father generously bestows His Creative Will on those who have become the great and strong Love and have become wise!

“Learn to carry out the Great Work of the Creator of life! Create love and goodness, while in the indissoluble Union with God! Do not violate the Unity with your own little will!

“There is only One God! He lives in you, in Me, and in everything!

“So, become a Great Soul That manifests the Will of God!”

(February 2012)

Become the Divine Fire!
(By Yamamata)

It is very important to learn to shine with the “Sun of God”!

All Those Who live Here, in the Primordial Depths, do this.

The Great Sun is the Light and Life That give “food” to all the living!

The Creator is not only the Primordial Ocean of Calm, but also the Great and Infinite Sun, the Divine Fire, the Primordial Flame, Which emanates from the Pristine Depth! This Fire is the Subtlest Transparency, bringing Tenderness and Bliss, Peace and Calm!

Every rise* of Mine over the Earth is a manifestation of the Will of the Primordial.

It is necessary to learn to ignite the Divine Fire in the Primordial Depth, transforming the Ocean of Calm into the Ocean of Fire, the Transparent Fire That does not burn and Which brings life!

(March 2013)

I’m Always Here
(By Adler)

“Don’t go! Stay with me a little longer!”

“I am always here! I never leave you!

“Become Me! Submerge yourself in My Fire!

“Unite yourself with the Fire, Which I create!

“I create everything on this Earth!

“I am the Source of every life!

“I shine as the Pristine Fire in you!

“I am the Flow of Tender Love!

“There exists the Power That is one for all those who work here, on the Earth!

“There exists the Sun of the Great Love!

“I ignite this Sun in you!

“This Light That shines in you cannot already be turned off anymore!

“For I have taught you to be My Love!

“Carry My Great Calm!

“Rise above the Earth being the ‘Sun of God’!

Learn to manifest My Will in order to show others the Path to Me!”

(May 2013)

Become Me!
(By Odin)

Pour yourself as Love over the expanses of earthly seas!

Embrace its shores with the soul!

Caress the clouds with yourself!

Look at how one wave comes after another, and how the surf breaks upon the seashore.

Century after century, like now, I ascend here!

Shine like the Sun! Shine always!

And in My Depths, there is the Great Calm!

I have revealed all My mysteries before you!

So, become One with Me!

Learn to live like I do! Become Me!

(May 2013)

From Adler

Receive and let go with ease! After all, everything that comes to you is sent by Me!

And everything that leaves your life, also leaves by My Will, because the time has arrived for this!

Do no hold onto your past! Do not waste your strength on empty dreams and desires!

The future that you create must be in agreement with My Will!

Your arms of the soul should not hold onto anything in the material world! These arms should work, care, and support those, whom I want to give My Care!

Learn from Me! My arms caress, give, and invite others to My Abode!

Complete Freedom must be obtained within, in the life with Me and in Me, and then all earthly things will fall into place and events will unfold as they must unfold, without affecting your calm, without disrupting the flow of your love for My children!

Nothing should take you out of the state of living in Me and of fulfilling My Will, the Will of the One!

(June 2013)

(By Sulia)

Listen to the words of love that fill souls!

Listen to Those, Who have achieved the Unity with the Creator!

Cognize the Silence and Calm that always live behind the words!

Listen, look, and understand!

Gradually root yourself-soul into the Beauty!

Enter into the world of Tender Light and Love!

As a soul, look behind the “border” of the created world!

Embrace the expanse of the Light-Fire with the arms of the soul!

There is only Light, there is only God! Understand this!

Cognize the Depths of His Fire!

This is the Higher Us! And you are becoming the Higher “I”!

Let the inspiration, which comes from the creative dream, shine in the soul!

Learn to manifest the Fire of the Holy Beauty — for others!

(June 2013)

From Symeon the New Theologian

Yes, it is necessary to take care of earthly affairs, and no one will do this for you. But it is also important to remember that when you leave the earthy plane, you will only bring those treasures with you that you have accumulated for the Heavenly Kingdom!

You will leave, having nothing more than those states of the soul that you have learned, and the knowledge and abilities that have taken root in the soul!

Only the perfectly developed ability to live in the Divine States, allows one to enter into the True Home, the Abode of the Heavenly Father! And then you will go There, where Those, Who have already entered into the Heavenly Kingdom, will be waiting for you!

It is possible right now to learn the habitual state of life among Those Who come out from this Abode to help incarnate people!

Do not become attached to the earthly! Flow being the River of the Holy Spirit, embracing everything with Love and Care! Or, be the Transparent Calm, Which is an inherent quality of being in the Abode of the Primordial Consciousness!

Things and people, events and circumstances — come and go. But the Divine Transparency does not “stick” to anything or dirty Itself with anything!

You must completely transfer your life into the World of the Spirit, and then learn to come out from the Divine eons, manifesting the Will of God through your body!

In this case, you will achieve the state of Invulnerable Transparency!

Coarse words or emotions of hate will not touch you then, because you will not, even in the least way possible, be in that place where such emotions reign! No event will be able to break the Love and Calm that you carry within you!

That which is perishable and corruptible, exists in the earthly realm, while that which is true and eternal, exists in the Kingdom of the Spirit!

You must learn to live in the state of independence from the approval and emotional reactions of other people that they can express for your acts. Of course, at the same time, you should not forget about being prudent! A wise person does not take risks without having a good reason for this — and, because of this, this person can be fearless!

If what you are doing is in agreement with the Will of God, then any hatred will break upon encountering the Transparent Calm!

Do not be afraid of reproaches from people, but neither should you be attached to approvals and praise! These do not make you or your deeds better or worse!

Remember what Kayr said to Vladimir:

“It is necessary to live in such a way that you are prepared to leave here at any moment, knowing that you stay here only so that you can serve God by helping incarnate people!”.

(August 2014)

From Lao Tse

The one who accumulates earthly things, loses them over time. The one who gets attached to things and people, suffers when losing them.

The one who accumulates that which is Heavenly receives earthly things as well, but this person is not attached to that which is earthly, and, therefore, he or she does not fear to lose it.

Tao takes care of such a person and, therefore, such a person will have no lack.

One can have lands, palaces, and homes, without being weighed down by these possessions.

One can have children, a companion on the Path, friends, and disciples, without being tied down by these relationships.

Care and responsibility without attachment is the key to success!

Yes, it is not easy. It is easier to not have, to not do, to not love, and to not create… The one who does not have anything — cannot lose anything, the one who does not love — cannot feel the pain of loss, the one who does not do anything — cannot make mistakes… However, what will such a person be able to contribute to the Life of Tao? In what way will such a person be able to help others on the Path?

* * *

Every flower begins to open at its proper time. And among all the flowers, there are some that are sterile, they do not give fruits.

And many seeds perish without sprouting…

If each seed produced fruit without needing the efforts of the gardener, would not the gardener be less happy about the ripe fruits?

In the same way, if success were inevitable and there were no other options for where to walk, would the merit of the one, who has overcome the Path to the Perfection, be as great?

It is not the fruit that has been cultivated without efforts that is enjoyed by the gardener — but, rather, the one which required days and years to be grown!

* * *

Many times, you, a human-soul, were thrown like a seed to the Earth, and, in each opportunity, you grew and strove!

Many times, you learned to grow and blossom!

And so, when the season for flowering arrives, you will be able to blossom!

When all efforts are directed towards the Goal, the fruit will be able to ripen!

Longing to give and to love, the soul will grow to develop the ability to unite itself with the Divine Consciousness!

* * *

Many good intentions do not reach fruition. Many good deeds are not carried out by people…

Why is this so?

For a good seed to sprout, work and time are needed.

The right conditions for sprouting and development are also needed.

How many people are willing to spend their lives on the spiritual field?

How many are willing to work without receiving a reward from the material world?

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